Monthly Archives - March 2020

Texas Oilfield Accidents

Texas Oilfield Accidents

Oilfield Injuries At any stage of the oil and gas extraction process, non-fatal oilfield injuries can happen for many reasons. In Texas alone, the Texas Railroad Commission controls the issuing of permits and citing violations, and the TRC finds tens of thousands of violations each year. These violations endanger workers. Oilfield accidents are often the result of these violations, which include oilfield equipment, vehicles, pipelines, storage, and other areas.  Some of the more severe oilfield accidents involve hazardous chemicals, electrified equipment, [...]

The Facts Behind Texas Oilfield Accidents

The Basics of Texas Oilfield Accidents

Oilfield accidents are well known for being extremely dangerous, and resulting accident claims are often complicated. It’s common for major players in the industry to argue that their fields are not a hazard. Here’s the truth about oilfield accidents and their resulting injuries.  Accident Statistics from the Oilfield Here are some statistics and other facts that you should know about oilfield accidents in the US: From 2008 to 2017, there were 1,566 reported oilfield fatalities in the oil and gas drilling industry [...]

The 5 Most Common Oil & Gas Injuries

KMCO Plant Explosion & Common Explosion Injuries

Plant explosions have the potential to cause devastating injuries to workers and those living or working in the local community. Injuries suffered in a plant explosion are often related to extreme heat, and explosions can create temperatures approaching or even exceeding thousands of degrees. These temperatures are so high that they can essentially vaporize anything around them. Sadly for humans close to the explosion, death can occur.  KMCO Plant Explosion in Crosby In April 2019, there was a devastating plant explosion [...]

Watson Grinding Refinery Explosion in Houston

Watson Grinding Refinery Explosion in Houston

Plant and refinery explosions are often complicated, requiring extensive investigations by experts in refinery operations. These investigations look into many factors, including: What caused the accident?  Did it happen due to faulty equipment?  Was it caused by an OSHA violation?  Was the negligence of a contractor or third-party maintenance concern involved? As an accident victim or family member of a victim, you deserve experienced and knowledgable legal representation in order to fully recover.  Watson Grinding Plant Explosion Tragically Kills Employees The explosion at Watson Grinding & [...]