Tag - houston car crash injury attorney lawyer in texas

Walking While Texting Injuries Are on the Rise in Texas

Walking While Texting Injuries Are on the Rise in Texas

Over the past twenty years, emergency room visits caused by smartphone-related injuries have risen dramatically, according to multiple studies. The overwhelming majority of victims were individuals in their teens and 20s. Distracted driving, walking, and texting accidents were the primary causes of these accidents and their resulting injuries. Those injured in a crash should contact a Houston car accident attorney in order to recover lost compensation for their injuries.  Injury Statistics for Distracted Smartphone Use Statistics from the National Safety Council [...]

Dealing with the Insurance Company After a Texas Car Crash

Dealing with the Insurance Company After a Texas Car Crash

In a usual car crash case, the injured party will be contacted by the insurance provider of the liable party soon after the collision. The insurance adjuster will try to gather information regarding the extent of the victim’s damages and start negotiating a settlement. It is common for insurance companies to attempt to deny coverage entirely. When the injured party has suffered significant damages, this can be catastrophic.  The Importance of Having an Experienced Houston Personal Injury Lawyer When a settlement [...]